Banner image displaying comic covers and pages from the comics Rise of Annelida and The Lost Soul
The Lost Soul Comic Cover

Comic name

Started 2018 Completed 2020

Content Warning:

skeletal remains | unsettling visuals

Recommended: +16

The Lost Soul is a comic about a lost soul just trying to remember what once was in a twisted and kinda morbid dead world.

Behind the comic

The Lost Soul was my first comic created on a whim for a digital comic class I was taking. I think it wasn’t until about page 30 that I even had a script for the comic. Prior to that I was just working off of thumbnails as my script. This project was my stepping stone into the comic world. I learned so much through this project, and also learned a lot of what not to do. I have feelings about this comic, good and bad. Ultimately it is what it is and it was a much larger project than I thought and I learned so so much in the process. I feel like it really showed in my following projects.