Honors Project: 3D Creature Creation

For my final semester I decided to do an Honors Project. This project entailed making 2 3D creatures from sketching, modeling, retopologizing, texturing, rigging, and animating. The two creatures were inspired by matching Zodiac signs, Taurus and Scorpio. This was a fun theme to work off of, researching each one and getting their general theme and motives down. As well as figuring out their animals, especially since I didn’t want Scorpio to just be a scorpion. I actually took a lot of inspiration from medieval paintings of scorpions that were done by people who have never seen a scorpion and just had it described to them.

Overall this project was monumental, way bigger than I thought it’d be. I learned so much in the 3D creature creating process and quite honestly want to do another swing at creature creation with all that I’ve learned now!

